Month: September 2018

Access control turnstiles can help better manage access to leisure premises

Half Height Turnstiles

Installing access control turnstiles at your leisure business premises, whether we’re talking about a gym, club or some other type of facility can certainly help improve security, but in the same time potentially bolster membership by streamlining the customer’s access to the site. Front desk personnel in recreational centres are often busy greeting members, performing… Read more »

Metal fencing deployed around popular traveller site in Thanet

Metal Security Fencing

Metal fencing is being installed at Jackey Bakers in Ramsgate to stop travellers pitching up, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest. The security measures have been bolstered up to stop families gaining entry to the fields for their caravans and cars. Jackey Bakers in Ramsgate has become home… Read more »