A passenger who had only been on a bus for 20 minutes caused an estimated £200 worth of damage.
Author: tensor_carpark
Close Up On RAL Colours
The RAL colour collection was first developed in 1927 in Germany by order of the state and industry. RAL was introduced primarily to help development within the lacquer and pigment industries by standardising colour tone. The original 40 colours from 1927 were quickly noted as being insufficient for the diversity of the market, and new colour tones were added to the system – most recently, magenta red and three new shades of grey. Automatic car park barriers operate with installed access ticketing systems
Support posts for both manual and automatic car park barriers help protect premises
Palisade metal fencing has proven record in reducing vandalism
Static bollards ideal for segregating areas of a firm’s site
Pedestals have up to three individual mounting points for entry control devices
Gates prevent motor theft and offer safety in a power failure
Coin operated turnstiles are perfect barrier against illegal entry
Automatic bollards exceptionally resistant to impact if a car strikes them